Incentive Programs for Residents


Sidewalk Incentive Program
The City of Wakefield offers matching funds through the Sidewalk Incentive Program to residents wanting to replace broken or dangerous sidewalks. The incentive program is first come first serve while funds last.  Applicants must meet program requirements to qualify for the replacement of sidewalks. Sidewalk Incentive Application


Electric Incentive Program
The City of Wakefield offers an Electric Incentive Program to residents or businesses that are converting their primary heating system from a fossil fuel system to a heat pump system, resistance heating or are replacing a heat pump with a more efficient heat pump system.  Water heaters also qualify if converting from a fossil fuel to electric.  Applicants and equipment must be pre-approved before replacing can occur.  Information and applications can be picked up at the City Office at 405 Main Street.  Ask us about other Electric Incentive Programs that can help you. Electric Incentive